WiFi at the Riviera International Centre

FREE WiFi is available in all public areas of The RICC

Getting connected: for you

There is a total of 50Mbps bandwidth available for dedicated internet access. This can be separated and shared between organisers and delegates. Both are free of charge and the division of bandwidth is adjustable.

To use our free on-site admin WiFi connect to the ‘Admin’ Wifi and check the current password with your event coordinator.

We have a hard wired connection on the Forum Stage which has to be connected by WiFi SPARK. This is recommended for stage presentations. Hard wired solutions are £200 +VAT.

It is also possible to supply WiFi for any outside events, this can also be organised through WiFi SPARK.

Contact Details

WiFi SPARK, 5 Cranmere Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PW


Getting connected: for your delegates

Connection is easy:

  • Connect to ’Riviera Centre WiFiSPARK’ wireless network
  • Open your web browser
  • From the welcome page, enter your details.

We have bandwidth allocated to this WiFi for general public use.

There is a password protected line which can be used by organisers.